
Animal Farm

农场里的一头猪(Old Major)在提出了“人类剥削牲畜,牲畜须造反”的理论之后死去,若干天后农场里掀起了一场由猪领导的造反,原来的剥削者——农场主被赶走,牲畜们实现了“当家作主”的愿望,尝到了造反成功的喜悦,农场更名为“动物庄园”并且制定了庄园的宪法──七诫。但不久,领导造反的猪们发生了分裂,一头猪被宣布为敌人;此后,获取了领导权的猪拥有了越来越大的权力和越来越多的特别待遇,逐渐脱离了其他动物,最终蜕变成为和人类完全一样的牲畜剥削者,动物庄园的名字也被放弃。


  "Animal Farm" is the third book I have read in full English. The first was "The Little Prince," and the second was "The Old Man and the Sea." I bought these books about six years ago while I was in college. I remember it being slow and painful reading "The Little Prince" and "The Old Man and the Sea" because my English level was not good at that time.

  After years of learning English, I found that when reading "Animal Farm" this time, my reading speed was faster than before. This progress gives me confidence in my English learning.

  Regarding the book itself, "Animal Farm" is similar to "1984" but more explicit. Can a republic really exist?
